Bogota, Colombia

Bogota, Colombia

At a youth center in the urban area of Bogota, the mural wraps around the building and portrays images of youth and nature on the front. The side shows kids, birds, insects, and plants joining forces to launch an attack on a huge ship in their bay that has brought foreign corporations to extract natural resources and polluting the environment.


Article in Huffington Post
Article in SF Bay Guardian
Blogpost in 12oz Prophet

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[gmw_single_location map_width=100% map_height=450px elements=address,map post_title=0 user_map_icon=0 additional_info=0]

Mural Name

Water Writes Bogota, Colombia

Date Completed

November 22, 2012


Erin Yoshi
Don Xid

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We Need Your Help

Your tax deductible Annual Membership provides much needed support for arts education in Hawaiʻi.

Help purchasing much needed supplies for our wall murals.

Assist in funding cultural advisers for our youth workshops.

Help stage events surrounding our public mural unveilings.

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