Honolulu, Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
Located in the Kapalama community in downtown Honolulu near the Honolulu Community College, the mural shows the traditional methods of water usage that have been established in Hawaii. Queen Liliuokalani is seated at the center, her royal sash turns into a waterfall portraying her efforts to ensure that the water of the islands would remain a public trust.
Article in Star Advertiser
Article in Hana Hou (Hawaiian Airlines Magazine)
Article in Hawaii Independent
Article in Flux Hawaii
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Mural Name
Date Completed
John “Prime” Hina, Katch One, Vogue TDK, Krush TWS, Eukarezt, Rival, Dmize225, Krush BS, Bieste, Ohana, Quest, Trax, Whyte, Ckaweeks, SMK, Look, Escape, Noize22, Estria Miyashiro
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Your tax deductible Annual Membership provides much needed support for arts education in Hawaiʻi.
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Assist in funding cultural advisers for our youth workshops.
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