Ōlelo Community Media – Kaimukī

Honolulu, Hawai‘i

We were honored to paint a mural for Ōlelo Community Media on the Kaimuki High School campus with our 2017 Spring semester Hālau Pāheona class. This was a special project for our graduating seniors since it was the last mural with Hālau Pāheona and marks the fourth building painted on Kaimuki High School campus.

The students chose to reflect their environment and land around them. Beautiful scenes what a viewer sees behind them is reflected in the camera lens in the mural. Other scenes shown are the stream that runs along the side of the school, the queenʻs hibiscus flower, the annual Kaimuki carnival, and Diamond Head. The students also included the bulldog mastcot since this Kamuki Media Center building is on their campus.

We thank the staff and teachers of Ōlelo Community Media – Kaimuki Media Center for this opportunity to beautify the Kaimuki High School campus and provide our Hālau Pāheona students another great experience. Also a big mahalo to Art Teacher, Luke Pomai Dekneef, and Nicole Jack for the support of the students and completion of this mural.

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Mural Name

Ōlelo Community Media – Kaimukī Media Center

Date Completed

January 15, 2018

Schools Served

Kaimukī High School

Lead Artists

Estria Miyashiro, Nicole Jack, Luke Pomai Dekneef

Cultural Practitioners, Kūpuna, Community Orgs


Sponsors & Supporters

Montana Cans, Glidden Paint, Housemart Ben Franklin of Hawaii

We Need Your Help

Your tax deductible Annual Membership provides much needed support for arts education in Hawaiʻi.

Help purchasing much needed supplies for our wall murals.

Assist in funding cultural advisers for our youth workshops.

Help stage events surrounding our public mural unveilings.

We Need Your Help

Your tax deductible Annual Membership provides much needed support for arts education in Hawaiʻi.

Help purchasing much needed supplies for our wall murals.

Assist in funding cultural advisers for our youth workshops.

Help stage events surrounding our public mural unveilings.

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