Happy New Year Family and Friends! 2017 was a year of great success and remarkable growth for the Estria Foundation and the Mele Murals program! Our team sends our sincerest Aloha to all of you – our members, partners, and most of all, our families and friends...
Alaka’i (student mentors) from Kaimukī High Schoolʻs Hālau Pāheona help teach the younger students from Jarrett Middle School how to start their Mele Mural. In September, we were proud to complete a Mele Murals project with Jarrett Middle School and Kaimukī High...
Aloha Kākou! April kicked off with a return to Ke Kula o Ehunuikaimalino in Kona. With the help of Eugene “Eukarezt” Kristopher and Uncle Estria, the mural “He Hawaii au mau a mau” was completed within one weekend with the haumana...
Aloha / Kia Ora / Talofa ! With the support of the U.S. Consulate, our team had a successful trip to Aotearoa / New Zealand for the Mele Murals Film screening at the Maoriland Film Festival and painted three murals with the students from Te Kura a Iwi o Whakatupuranga...
Our Mele Murals & Oiwi TV team with the support of the U.S. Consulate sets out in March to New Zealand and Samoa! The Mele Murals Film Documentary will be shown at the Maoriland Film Festival on Saturday, March 18th. Maoriland Film Festival is an international...
Our Spring 2017 semester has started for Halau Paheona (school of visual arts) at Kaimuki High School! Our haumana (students) are continuing their second year of art and Hawaiian cultural studies with advanced sessions on how to build a professional art portfolio. Our...