Mike “Bam” Tyau is a Hawaii/Bay Area graffiti Writer, who has spent his career as a project manager in videogames and software development. Mike has launched online projects for AKQA Advertising Agency for Microsoft Xbox, Charles Schwab, You Tube, Red Bull and Verizon. He’s also lead developers in the R&D division for Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (PlayStation) and helped launch the Iron Man videogames for Sega of America. Prior to Sony Mike ran his own computer animation company, Secret Weapon, creating 3D animated intros for videogame companies of Electronic Arts, The 3DO Company and Hasbro Entertainment.
Mike is one of the advisors to Hawaii’s 808 Urban, helping youth visualize their artistic dream. He recently completed a mural with the San Francisco Samoan Community Development Center. He curates a graffiti art show at the 1AM Gallery in San Francisco annually. In addition Mike supports MTN Colors North America with their social media and is a blogger for MTN-World.com.
Mike has helped coordinate the Estria Battles the past several years.
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